Congratulations on your election as President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Ref: RPP/6A/J04-JK/2098/J2014/PE-AFS/CE
The Honourable Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
President-Elect of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Heliopolis Palace
North East Cairo
Private Bag, Cairo Egypt
Dear Mr. Sisi:
On behalf of the Rwanda People’s Party and myself, I offer heartfelt congratulations on your election as President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The support of your people is evidenced by the overwhelming election results. May your time as President bring peace, prosperity, and tranquillity to the Egyptian people.
I would also like to praise the people of Egypt on a peaceful, free, fair, and without fear, well-organized, and professional election resulting in the representation of the will of the Egyptian citizenry.
Our party is calling upon the African Union, to support you in promoting peace, security, and stability in Egypt and the region.
As a leader of the Rwanda People’s Party (RPP), I would like to personally invite Your Excellency and the Egyptian government to encourage the Egyptian business community to invest in the rapidly growing and stable marketplace that exists in the Great Lakes Region of Rwanda and the surrounding area.
We hope that Your Excellency and the new government in Egypt will explore a fortified relationship with the “Coalition of the willing” for the benefit of the people of Egypt and East Africa.
We also look forward to our continuing fraternal relationship with the people and government of Egypt under your wise leadership. I am optimistic that cooperation between our two countries, Rwanda and Egypt, will continue to grow and strengthen in the months ahead.
Your Excellency, there is no doubt that you will lead and guide the people of Egypt with wisdom in overcoming future challenges, protecting your country and her people, and pointing them to a bright future filled with peace, stability, prosperity and harmony.
May I again offer my cordial congratulations! Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Sincerely yours,
John V Karuranga, President
Rwanda People’s Party
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